It all began with curiosity…
I was born in Hong Kong quite a while back into a large family with four other siblings. My grandfather was a Minister of the Church of England, my father was a Doctor of Western Medicine and my son is now a Clinical Psychologist. Together I think they have covered adequately within the areas of Body, Mind and Spirit. However I have always been fascinated with what I would call “the missing link”; something that would tie up all these facets together to enable us feeling whole. Have I found it yet? ..yes and no. Yes, I have had many glimpses every now and then, but..no, it is not a permanent state, I need to feed it constantly with my willingness to surrender to “Something” greater than myself!
I came over to Australia to continue with my studies at fifteen and quickly fell in love with Melbourne. I am still enjoying the “four seasons in a day” weather pattern and the status of being nominated as the “best city in the world” for numerous times. I have been married to the same man (what an achievement) for nearly half a century and I have also been blessed with a son and a daughter whom I have shared most wonderful relationships.
I think I am a bit of a “dare devil” in the sense that although I love learning from books and from other people’s experiences, I also preferred having first hand experiences so I got to know what I was talking about. Because of this “weird experiential” needs, I might have unknowingly created a “harder than needed to be” life for myself. I had tasted a good dosage of anxiety and depression as well as living through many dark nights of my Soul.
As I attempted to “free” myself from all these “sufferings”, I looked for answers through books and courses in the areas of self growth, personal transformation and exploration of spirituality. But above all, I endeavoured to cultivate a quiet place within so I could get to know myself better and be able to change my out-dated perceptions and habits in order to live a better and easier life.
Eventually I had the opportunity to run my own Healing Centre in the mid nineties but retired due to the diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. I was good and ready for the well earned rest then… but not so fast, it seemed that the Universe had another idea. Six years ago, out of no where, I was admitted to Emergency and heard the three most dreaded words…
“You have cancer.”
After three years of living with a lot of fears, the final diagnosis turned out to be Amyloidosis (not cancer) in my lymphatic system which had no cures. Upon the verdict given by my Haematologist a few weeks ago that all my blood tests and scan results were as good as they could be, I could no longer just be contented taking care of myself only. I wanted to shout from the roof top that we all can help ourselves to a great extent by being informative and proactive in our own healing journey.
Needless to say the last six years had been quite a journey; a great learning curve about self awareness, self care, self love and self worthiness, the four cornerstones of any Healing Process. It has worked well for me and I feel the same knowledge can be helpful to others as we are material cut out from the same cloth. This yearning to share has since become the most natural thing for me to do. The bonus is my realisation that not so long ago, I was looking for exactly the same thing of what I am offering to you today!
What a comfort,
What a joy..
for me.

Questions and Answers about myself and my work
What are you trying to achieve through this website?
In many ways, I haven’t got a clue but I feel it is none of my business to know in what ways others could use it to their benefits; some might like looking at the beautiful nature photos, some might enjoy my words and humour, some might feel less lonely reading my monthly blog and some might feel better knowing there is a “good egg” parked somewhere in the world. It surely would beat all the sad and overwhelming news-feed on television.
What do you want or expect from us?
Good one, thanks. I want you all to know you do not need to search high and low for an external guru or teacher somewhere in the world (yup, even in Melbourne) to turn your life around. There is a very wise and serene “beingness/knowingness” residing within your heart. It awaits only your welcome. Allow your life be your message and by sharing your unique story, someone might feel empowered and uplifted.
If you do find a workshop that you would be available to join in on, feel free to register and be a part of it. I believe that our learning would never stop as our inspiring message grows as we do. It is easier to learn through joy and togetherness instead of trying to figure things out all by ourselves. From my personal experience, the overwhelming feelings of fear, loneliness and desperation can distort our perceptions greatly.
How would I know you are “right” for me?
You would know.
Check in with your “Internal Compass / Inner Teacher” - if he/she is all booked out and can’t squeeze you in, then by logic, I should be your second choice?
What do you like to call yourself?
A human being with all her flaws, beauty and vulnerability in view and feel no need to hide them.
An amazing story teller usually with her own story lines to tell just because I have the copyright to do so.
A “transformational sit-down comedian” who believes that laughter and humour can lighten any load.
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